I\'d like to keep users away from editing configuration files, so I\'ve made web interface in admin panel for setting up Mail server, username, password, port, encryption.. I w
@DigitLimit , method share() has been dropped since Laravel 5.4. I had to work-around this problem using other methods, and I am not sure they are perfect. Here is my registerSwiftTransport() method in CustomMailServiceProvider class.
Firstly, we need to determine if code is not executed while calling app through command line: "if(strpos(php_sapi_name(), 'cli') === false)". If we don't check that and don't prevent setting new params in this case, Artisan will throw us errors in command line. Secondly, we need to get settings from database somehow. I did it using my method getSettingValue(), where first argument is setting key, and second argument is default value if setting is not found. As you see, I assigned settings to $this->app['config']['mail']. After that, I used singleton() method:
protected function registerSwiftTransport(){
if (strpos(php_sapi_name(), 'cli') === false) {
$this->app['config']['mail'] = [
'driver' => Setting::getSettingValue('mail_driver', '****'),
'host' => Setting::getSettingValue('mail_host', '****'),
'port' => Setting::getSettingValue('mail_port', 25),
'from' => [
'address' => Setting::getSettingValue('mail_from_address', '****'),
'name' => Setting::getSettingValue('mail_from_name', '****'),
'encryption' => Setting::getSettingValue('mail_encryption', '***'),
'username' => Setting::getSettingValue('mail_username', '****'),
'password' => Setting::getSettingValue('mail_password', '****'),
$this->app->singleton('swift.transport', function ($app) {
return new Illuminate\Mail\TransportManager($app);