I am an old-school MySQL user and have always preferred JOIN
over sub-query. But nowadays everyone uses sub-query, and I hate it; I don\'t know why.
MSDN Documentation for SQL Server says
Many Transact-SQL statements that include subqueries can be alternatively formulated as joins. Other questions can be posed only with subqueries. In Transact-SQL, there is usually no performance difference between a statement that includes a subquery and a semantically equivalent version that does not. However, in some cases where existence must be checked, a join yields better performance. Otherwise, the nested query must be processed for each result of the outer query to ensure elimination of duplicates. In such cases, a join approach would yield better results.
so if you need something like
select * from t1 where exists select * from t2 where t2.parent=t1.id
try to use join instead. In other cases, it makes no difference.
I say: Creating functions for subqueries eliminate the problem of cluttter and allows you to implement additional logic to subqueries. So I recommend creating functions for subqueries whenever possible.
Clutter in code is a big problem and the industry has been working on avoiding it for decades.