I want to send AT command to switch my headlights pernament ON in Nissan Leaf.
It is located in ID 625
0x00 - OFF
0x60 - ON
0x40 - Parking lights ON
I tested it myself with an ATSH 625 and then sending 02 40
However, I found that the 625 is giving a response to the light command and it is not a command. The command is ATSH 60D, press Enter to get OK and then send 04 00 00 00 00
The below responses have been validated on a Nissan Sunny 2016.
0x00 - OFF
0x60 - ON
0x40 - Parking lights ON
60D 04 00 00 00 00
actually turns the parking lights on and it goes off immediately as the key position of your light knob will be at off position unless you change it.
Immediately after sending the above command, I got a response saying 625 02 40 FF
. If your aim is to read the status, monitoring 625
will give that you, for controlling the lights more reverse engineering is required.
I am myself stuck trying to control the door lock/unlock,
I have the response for that, but I have not been able to control it yet.