I have a problem whereby the Adobe PDF iFilter doesn\'t work consistently for us. As such, we like to use the one from Foxit. The problem is, if we install the Foxit iFilter a
I'm using this small function to give out a list. It just uses the extension NOT the document type! In the most cases this is ok and could be easily changed here.
/// Implements a Function to get all available IFilters currently registered in this system
public string GetFilterList()
//Our resulting string. We give back a ';' seperated list of extensions.
string result = @"";
string persistentHandlerClass;
RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Classes");
if (rk == null)
return null;
using (rk)
foreach(string subKeyName in rk.GetSubKeyNames())
if (subKeyName[0] == '.') //possible Extension
RegistryKey sk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Classes\" + subKeyName + @"\PersistentHandler");
if (sk == null)
using (sk)
persistentHandlerClass = (string)sk.GetValue(null);
if (persistentHandlerClass != null)
string filterPersistClass = ReadStrFromHKLM(@"Software\Classes\CLSID\" + persistentHandlerClass +
string dllName = ReadStrFromHKLM(@"Software\Classes\CLSID\" + filterPersistClass + @"\InprocServer32");
// skip query.dll results, cause it's not an IFilter itself
if (dllName != null && filterPersistClass != null && (dllName.IndexOf("query.dll") < 0))
//result = result + subKeyName + @"[" + dllName + @"] - persistentHandlerClassAddin: " + persistentHandlerClass + "\r\n"; //[C:\Windows\system32\query.dll]
//result = result + subKeyName + @"[" + dllName + @"];"; //[C:\Windows\system32\query.dll]
result = result + subKeyName.ToLower() + @";";
return result;