I have sets of data in a matrix. I want to plot on set and then use a keyboard input to move to another one. It\'s simply possible this way:
for t=1:N
This demo shows you how to use either the left and right arrows of the keyboard to switch data set or even the mouse wheel.
It uses the KeyPressFcn
and/or WindowScrollWheelFcn
event of the figure.
function h = change_dataset_demo
%// sample data
nDataset = 8 ;
x = linspace(0,2*pi,50).' ; %'// ignore this comment
data = sin( x*(1:nDataset) ) ;
index.max = nDataset ;
index.current = 1 ;
%// Plot the first one
h.fig = figure ;
h.plot = plot( data(:,index.current) ) ;
%// store data in figure appdata
setappdata( h.fig , 'data', data )
setappdata( h.fig , 'index', index )
%// set the figure event callbacks
set(h.fig, 'KeyPressFcn', @KeyPressFcn_callback ) ; %// Set figure KeyPressFcn function
set(h.fig, 'WindowScrollWheelFcn',@mouseWheelCallback) %// Set figure Mouse wheel function
guidata( h.fig , h )
function mouseWheelCallback(hobj,evt)
update_display( hobj , evt.VerticalScrollCount )
function KeyPressFcn_callback(hobj,evt)
if ~isempty( evt.Modifier ) ; return ; end % Bail out if there is a modifier
switch evt.Key
case 'rightarrow'
increment = +1 ;
case 'leftarrow'
increment = -1 ;
% do nothing
return ;
update_display( hobj , increment )
function update_display( hobj , increment )
h = guidata( hobj ) ;
index = getappdata( h.fig , 'index' ) ;
data = getappdata( h.fig , 'data' ) ;
newindex = index.current + increment ;
%// roll over if we go out of bound
if newindex > index.max
newindex = 1 ;
elseif newindex < 1
newindex = index.max ;
set( h.plot , 'YData' , data(:,newindex) ) ;
index.current = newindex ;
setappdata( h.fig , 'index', index )
This will roll over when the end of the data set is reached.
done a little gif too but it's a lot less impressive because it does not show the keyboard/mouse action, only the graph updates :