I would like to use a custom reference class inside another reference class, but this code fails:
nameClass <- setRefClass(\"nameClass\", fields = list(first
This is a variation of a common issue in the S4 system, where for inheritance to work a call to new
with zero arguments has to work. This is because of the way inheritance is implemented, where the base class is instantiated and then populated with values from the derived class. To instantiate the base class requires creating it without any arguments. That you have a problem is illustrated with
> nameClass()
Error in .Internal(strsplit(x, as.character(split), fixed, perl, useBytes)) :
'x' is missing
and the solution is to provide a default argument in your initialize method
initialize=function(char=charcter()) { <...> }
or to otherwise arranging (e.g., by testing missing(char)
in the body of initialize
) for a no-argument call to the constructor to work.
Probably programming best practice would dictate that the initialize method takes a ...
argument and has callSuper()
in its body, so that derived classes can take advantage of base class (e.g., field assignment) functionality. To avoid problems with inadvertent matching of unnamed arguments, I think the signature should probably end up built around a template that looks like
initialize(..., char=character()) { callSuper(...) }
This scheme relies on a suitable definition of an 'empty' nameClass
. The following probably has too much opinion and change of perspective to be immediately useful, but... It's tempting to think of nameClass
as a 'row' in a data frame, but it's better (because R works best on vectors) to think of it as describing columns. With this in mind a reasonable representation of an 'empty' nameClass is where the first
and last
fields are each of length 0. Then
nameClass <- setRefClass("nameClass",
fields = list(first = "character", last = "character"),
methods = list(
initialize = function(..., char=character()){
if (length(char)) {
names <- strsplit(char, ".", fixed=TRUE)
.first <- vapply(names, "[[", character(1), 1)
.last <- vapply(names, "[[", character(1), 2)
} else {
.first <- character()
.last <- character()
callSuper(..., first=.first, last=.last)
}, show = function(){
.helper <- function(x)
sprintf("%s%s", paste(sQuote(head(x)), collapse=", "),
if (length(x) > 6) ", ..." else "")
cat("Special Name Class (n = ", length(first), ")\n", sep="")
cat("First names:", .helper(first), "\n")
cat("Last names:", .helper(last), "\n")
with test cases like
> nameClass()
Special Name Class (n = 0)
First names:
Last names:
> nameClass(char="Paul.Simon")
Special Name Class (n = 1)
First names: 'Paul'
Last names: 'Simon'
> nameClass(char=c("Paul.Simon", "Frank.Sinatra"))
Special Name Class (n = 2)
First names: 'Paul', 'Frank'
Last names: 'Simon', 'Sinatra'
> nameClass(char=paste(LETTERS, letters, sep="."))
Special Name Class (n = 26)
First names: 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', ...
Last names: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', ...
The derived class might be defined as
personClass <- setRefClass("personClass",
fields = list(fullname = "nameClass", occupation = "character"),
methods = list(
initialize = function(..., fullname=nameClass(),
occupation=character()) {
callSuper(..., fullname=fullname, occupation=occupation)
with test cases like
personClass(fullname=nameClass(), occupation=character())
personClass(fullname=nameClass(char="some.one"), occupation="job")