Given that you have two instances of http.ServeMux
and you wish for them to be served at the same port number, like so:
muxA, muxB http.ServeMu
Because an http.ServeMux
is also an http.Handler
you can easily nest one mux inside another, even on the same port and same hostname. Here's one example of doing that:
rootMux := http.NewServeMux()
subMux := http.NewServeMux()
// This will end up handling /top_path/sub_path
subMux.HandleFunc("/sub_path", myHandleFunc)
// Use the StripPrefix here to make sure the URL has been mapped
// to a path the subMux can read
rootMux.Handle("/top_path/", http.StripPrefix("/top_path", subMux))
http.ListenAndServe(":8000", rootMux)
Note that without that http.StripPrefix()
call, you would need to handle the
whole path in the lower mux.