I\'ve been reading the book HTML in action and in chapter 5, it shows how to create a mobile application that can be run offline. My only doubt is: can I do this for an
For example you can use localStorage
for saving variable:
// Store
localStorage.setItem("lastname", "Smith");
// Retrieve
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("lastname");
and get it after:
window.localStorage implemented follow interface which accepted by W3C:
interface Storage {
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
[IndexGetter] DOMString key(in unsigned long index);
[NameGetter] DOMString getItem(in DOMString key);
[NameSetter] void setItem(in DOMString key, in DOMString data);
[NameDeleter] void removeItem(in DOMString key);
void clear();
More information you can read here