I have a loop that renders a partial
1000.times do |i|
render partial: \'test\', locals: {i: i}
this is really slow, up to 0.1 ms for for
Here is an example from one of my previous answers. It's extracted from PartialRenderer
- local_names = [:i]
- partials = {}
- 1000.times do |i|
- name = 'name_%s' % (i % 10)
- partials[name] ||= lookup_context.find_template(name, lookup_context.prefixes, true, local_names)
= partials[name].render(self, i: i)
I'd recommend you to wrap it with a helper method. Keep in mind that locals' names appear here twice: first in local_names
as an array and second in hash's keys passed as the second argument of #render