I am new to responsive design, I am toying with twitter bootstrap responsive.css now. And I am encountering some trouble with my project.
The trouble is, my left column
One extra and interesting feaure is that you can also use-media queries in the media attribute of the tag.
With this, the browser will download all CSS resources, regardless of the media attribute. The difference is that if the media-query of the media attribute is evaluated to false then that .css file and his content will not be render-blocking.
Therefore, it is recommended to use the media attribute in the tag since it guarantees a better user experience.
Here you can read a Google article about this issue https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/critical-rendering-path/render-blocking-css
Some tools that will help you to automate the separation of your css code in different files according to your media-querys
Webpack https://www.npmjs.com/package/media-query-plugin https://www.npmjs.com/package/media-query-splitting-plugin
PostCSS https://www.npmjs.com/package/postcss-extract-media-query