In Railscast: Ryan uses omniauth for logins. In the video when he clicks on the login button the first time Twitter asks the u
If you originally had you application permissions set to "Read and Write" and later added the "Access Direct Messages" permission AFTER you had authenticated once, then subsequent authentication attempts will cause the "Sign in" page to reappear. But, notice you'll see that the app will still NOT have permission to access direct messages for that user. This is because your app is now trying to ask for direct message permissions, but your access token was setup originally just for read/write.
I found this discussion where @toptwetcom mentions that your access token (Not the App API key) must be regenerated after an app permissions change. I'm still in dev mode, but here's what worked for me:
If you now go to you should see that you've given "read, write, and direct messages" permissions to your app. Also if you logout of your app and log back through Twitter, it should "just work" (given you are already signed in with Twitter).
Also, be sure to read @JasonLogsdon's answer.