Given the following JSON...
\"metadata\": {
\"id\": \"1234\",
\"type\": \"file\",
\"length\": 395
... how do I convert it
Thanks m-z, it is very helpful. (I'm not so familiar with Scala.)
I'd like to add a line for "flatten" working with primitive JSON array like "{metadata: ["aaa", "bob"]}".
def flatten(js: JsValue, prefix: String = ""): Seq[JsValue] = {
// JSON primitive array can't convert to JsObject
if(!js.isInstanceOf[JsObject]) return Seq(Json.obj(prefix -> js))[JsObject].fieldSet.toSeq.flatMap{ case (key, values) =>
values match {
case JsBoolean(x) => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> x))
case JsNumber(x) => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> x))
case JsString(x) => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> x))
case JsArray(seq) => seq.zipWithIndex.flatMap{ case (x, i) => flatten(x, concat(prefix, key + s"[$i]")) }
case x: JsObject => flatten(x, concat(prefix, key))
case _ => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> JsNull))