I want to send a list through TCP sockets but i can\'t get the exact list when receiving from the server-side . To be more specific say that i have this list:
Sorry for my extremely late response, but I hope this can help anyone else who has this problem. This may not be the best solution, but I would convert the list into a string, and encode and send that string. Then, the receiving end can receive, decode, and convert this string back into a list using eval()
. This would look something like this:
y = [0,12,6,8,3,2,10]
# Convert To String
y = str(y)
# Encode String
y = y.encode()
# Send Encoded String version of the List
data = connection.recv(4096)
# Decode received data into UTF-8
data = data.decode('utf-8')
# Convert decoded data into list
data = eval(data)