I want to support my android screen in multiple screen sizes but i can do it with maintaining multiple xml layout file\'s
but according to requirement it i supposed to b
Create three different Layouts Folder
in your res
folder for all devices and use the dimensions accordingly.
Generic Layout Folders
After you are done with making your Normal/Medium Layouts follow these steps:
For converting Values
0.75 - ldpi (small) //mdpi dimens *0.75
1.0 - mdpi (normal) //First create these dimensions
1.5 - hdpi (large) //mdpi dimens *1.5
2.0 - xhdpi (xLarge) //mdpi dimens *2.0
For Example
android:layout_width="66dip" //in normal
android:layout_width="100dip"//in large 66*1.5=100(approx)
android:layout_width="52dip" //in small 66*0.75=52(approx)
Also new Qualifier has been introduced - SmallestWidth - AvailableScreenWidth - AvailableScreenHeight
read more about it here https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html
I hope this helps.