I have 3 futures of type Response. The first future returns a JsValue which defines if future 2 and future 3 shall be executed or only future 3 shall be executed.
I found this solution but I dont think that it is a good solution because Iam using Await.result() which is a blocking operation. If anyone knows how to refactor this code without blocking operations please let me know.
def addSuggestion(indexName: String, suggestion: String) = Action.async {
val indexExistsQuery: IndexExistsQuery = new IndexExistsQuery(indexName);
val addSuggestionQuery: AddSuggestionQuery = new AddSuggestionQuery(indexName, suggestion)
val indexCreationQuery: CreateCompletionsFieldQuery = new CreateCompletionsFieldQuery(indexName)
val indexExists: Boolean = indexExistsQuery.getBooleanResult(indexExistsQuery.getResult(Await.result(EsClient.execute(indexExistsQuery), 5.second)))
if (indexExists) {
EsClient.execute(addSuggestionQuery).map { response => Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json)) }
} else {
val futureResponse: Future[Response] = for {
responseTwo <- EsClient.execute(indexCreationQuery)
responseThree <- EsClient.execute(addSuggestionQuery)
} yield responseThree
futureResponse.map { response =>
Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json))
}.recover { case _ => Ok("bla") }