I have an RCP/SWT application in which I\'m trying to construct a view out of existing composites. One is a FillLayout composite, the other uses GridLayout.
I\'d to like
Start setting a FormLayout
to your outer composite. Place two other composites inside it, setting their FormData
information to position them as you please. Then set those two composite's layouts (Grid and Fill, as you said).
Here's some code to start. There's an image after it showing what it produces. You might also check out Eclipse's SWT Layouts view.
Shell shell = new Shell();
FillLayout fillLayout = new FillLayout();
fillLayout.marginHeight = 5;
fillLayout.marginWidth = 5;
shell.setLayout( fillLayout );
Composite outer = new Composite( shell, SWT.BORDER );
outer.setBackground( new Color( null, 207, 255, 206 ) ); // Green
FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout();
formLayout.marginHeight = 5;
formLayout.marginWidth = 5;
formLayout.spacing = 5;
outer.setLayout( formLayout );
Composite innerLeft = new Composite( outer, SWT.BORDER );
innerLeft.setLayout( new GridLayout() );
innerLeft.setBackground( new Color( null, 232, 223, 255 ) ); // Blue
FormData fData = new FormData();
fData.top = new FormAttachment( 0 );
fData.left = new FormAttachment( 0 );
fData.right = new FormAttachment( 10 ); // Locks on 10% of the view
fData.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100 );
innerLeft.setLayoutData( fData );
Composite innerRight = new Composite( outer, SWT.BORDER );
innerRight.setLayout( fillLayout );
innerRight.setBackground( new Color( null, 255, 235, 223 ) ); // Orange
fData = new FormData();
fData.top = new FormAttachment( 0 );
fData.left = new FormAttachment( innerLeft );
fData.right = new FormAttachment( 100 );
fData.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100 );
innerRight.setLayoutData( fData );