Trying to have \"dir\" command that displays size of the sub folders and files. After googling \"powershell directory size\", I found thew two useful links
The first minor mod would be to avoid creating a new FileSystemObject for every directory. Make this a function and pull the new-object out of the pipeline.
function DirWithSize($path=$pwd)
$fso = New-Object -com Scripting.FileSystemObject
Get-ChildItem | Format-Table -AutoSize Mode, LastWriteTime, Name,
@{ Label="Length"; alignment="Left"; Expression={
{$fso.GetFolder( $_.FullName).Size}
If you want to avoid COM altogether you could compute the dir sizes using just PowerShell like this:
function DirWithSize($path=$pwd)
Get-ChildItem $path |
Foreach {if (!$_.PSIsContainer) {$_} `
else {
$size=0; `
Get-ChildItem $_ -r | Foreach {$size += $_.Length}; `
Add-Member NoteProperty Length $size -Inp $_ -PassThru `
}} |
Format-Table Mode, LastWriteTime, Name, Length -Auto