I\'m trying to get along with building web systems with ASP.NET vNext using MVC 6 and EF7. I\'m looking at this tutorial: http://stephenwalther.com/archive/2015/01/17/asp-net-5-
First of all, in something like config.json you can add yur connection strings. Something like the following will work
"Data": {
"BlogData": { "ConnectionString": "Server=tcp:YourHostname.net,1433;Database=YourDatabaseName;User ID=YourDBUser@YourDomain;Password=YourPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;" },
"Identity": { "ConnectionString": "Server=tcp:YourHostname.net,1433;Database=YourDatabaseName;User ID=YourDBUser@YourDomain;Password=YourPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;" }
You then have two DBContexts. Let's say: YourApp.AppDBContext and YourApp.AppIdentityDBContext
You need to include these at the top of your CS file of course.
using YourApp.AppDBContext;
using YourApp.AppIdentityDBContext;
In startup.cs for example, in the startup method, your configuration builder will look like this:
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile($"config.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true);
Configuration = builder.Build();
In the ConfigureServices method you will add your DBContexts as follows:
.AddDbContext(options =>
.AddDbContext(options =>
I hope this helps. Feel free to give me a shout if I can expand on this further.