I am working on a project where I have to validate the given SMTP server i.e in a textbox user will provide the detail and then he will click on a test button. I want to check w
You might want to improve on this quick code with proper exception handling and maybe also setting the timeouts - it takes about 15 seconds to fail if it can't connect but that might be a limitation of the TCP/IP handshaking.
And sending a QUIT
command as Curt suggested would be nice.
private bool ValidSMTP(string hostName)
bool valid = false;
TcpClient smtpTest = new TcpClient();
smtpTest.Connect(hostName, 25);
if (smtpTest.Connected)
NetworkStream ns = smtpTest.GetStream();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ns);
if (sr.ReadLine().Contains("220"))
valid = true;
return valid;