I have a requirement to fire off web service requests to an online api and I thought that Parallel Extensions would be a good fit for my needs.
The web service in questi
If you need to throttle by time, you should check out Quartz.net. It can facilitate consistent polling. If you care about all requests, you should consider using some sort of queueing mechanism. MSMQ is probably the right solution but there are many specific implementations if you want to go bigger and use an ESB like NServiceBus or RabbitMQ.
In that case, TPL Dataflow is your preferred solution if you can leverage the CTP. A throttled BufferBlock is the solution.
This example comes from the documentation provided by Microsoft:
// Hand-off through a bounded BufferBlock
private static BufferBlock m_buffer = new BufferBlock(
new DataflowBlockOptions { BoundedCapacity = 10 });
// Producer
private static async void Producer()
await m_buffer.SendAsync(Produce());
// Consumer
private static async Task Consumer()
Process(await m_buffer.ReceiveAsync());
// Start the Producer and Consumer
private static async Task Run()
await Task.WhenAll(Producer(), Consumer());
Check out RX's Observable.Throttle.