here is the of quick sort algorithm from the MITOcw(Introduction To Algorithms ) lecture
if(p < q)
then r = PARTITION(A,p,q)
A much easier and clean implementation, also gives you number of minimum SWAPS in for QuickSort:
int quickSort(int[], int, int);
int partition(int[], int, int, int&);
int main()
int array[] = {4, 2, 5};
int size = sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]);
first and last indices are passed
idea is to move lower elements to the left of the list/pivot
int swaps = quickSort(array, 0, size-1);
std::cout << "Minimum Swaps are: " << swaps << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
std::cout << array[i] << " ";
int quickSort(int array[], int start, int end)
int swaps = 0;
if(start < end)
int pIndex = partition(array, start, end, swaps);
//after each call one number(the PIVOT) will be at its final position
swaps += quickSort(array, start, pIndex-1);
swaps += quickSort(array, pIndex+1, end);
return swaps;
int partition(int array[], int start, int end, int& swaps)
int pivot = array[end];
int pIndex = start;
for(int i = start; i < end; i++)
if(array[i] <= pivot)
if(pIndex != i)
std::swap(array[i], array[pIndex]);
if(pIndex != end)
std::swap(array[pIndex], array[end]);
return pIndex;