The FAQ, and have been really useful for helping me make the transition from svn to hg.
However, when it comes to using Hg\'s subrepository feature in the man
Oops, sorry for the formatting in previous answer. Here it is again, formatted!
So, here are the two scenarios most folks will be faced with:
A) Using subrepositories in a completely local situation. This is Ryan's solution, essentially. I imagine only developers working solo will be in this boat.
cd /home/moi/hgrepos
hg init lib
cd lib
echo foo > lib.txt
hg ci -A -m Init
cd /home/moi/hgrepos
hg init main
cd main
echo foo > main.txt
echo lib = ../lib > .hgsub
hg clone ../lib
hg add .hgsub main.txt
hg ci -m Init
cd /home/moi/hgrepos
hg clone main main-clone
cd main-clone/lib
echo "Modified while on main trunk" >>lib.txt
hg commit -m "Modified lib.txt, while on main trunk"
hg push
cd /home/moi/hgrepos/lib
hg update
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
cat lib.txt
Modified while on main trunk
B) Using subrepositories over ssh.
I imagine most developers working on teams will be in this boat.
1) Set up lib
cd /home/moi/hgrepos
hg init lib
cd lib
echo foo > lib.txt
hg ci -A -m Init
2) Set up main
cd /home/moi/hgrepos
hg init main
cd main
echo foo > main.txt
echo lib=ssh:// > .hgsub
hg clone ssh:// lib
hg add .hgsub main.txt
hg ci -m Init
3) Clone lib to hgtest dir
cd /home/moi/hgtest
hg clone ssh:// lib
4) Clone main to hgtest dir
cd /home/moi/hgtest
hg clone ssh:// main
5) Modify lib.txt while on main trunk
cd /home/moi/hgtest/main/lib
echo "Modified while on main trunk" >>lib.txt
hg commit -m "Modified lib.txt, while on main trunk"
hg push
6) Verify that lib.txt got changed in the lib repository
cd /home/moi/hgtest/lib
hg pull
hg update
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
cat lib.txt
Modified while on main trunk