EDIT: Here is a more complete set of code that shows exactly what\'s going on per the answer below.
libname output \'/data/files/jeff\'
%let DateStart = \'01Jan
If ID is unique and a single value, then you can try constructing a format.
Create a dataset that looks like this:
fmtname, start, label
where fmtname is the same for all records, a legal format name (begins and ends with a letter, contains alphanumeric or _); start is the ID value; and label is a 1. Then add one row with the same value for fmtname, a blank start, a label of 0, and another variable, hlo='o'
(for 'other'). Then import into proc format using the CNTLIN
option, and you now have a 1/0 value conversion.
Here's a brief example using SASHELP.CLASS. ID here is name, but it can be numeric or character - whichever is right for your use.
data for_fmt;
set sashelp.class;
retain fmtname '$IDF'; *Format name is up to you. Should have $ if ID is character, no $ if numeric;
start=name; *this would be your ID variable - the look up;
if _n_ = 1 then do;
call missing(start);
proc format cntlin=for_fmt;
Now instead of doing a join, you can do your query 'normally' but with an additional where clause of and put(id,$IDF.)='1'
. This won't be optimized with an index or anything, but it may be faster than the join. (It may also not be faster - depends on how the SQL optimizer is working.)