I need to scan through a document and accumulate the output of different functions for each string in the file. The function run on any given line of the file depends on what i
If you have only 2 alternatives, using Either
might be a good idea. In that case combine your functions, map the list, and use lefts and rights to get the results:
import Data.Either
-- first sample function, returning String
f1 x = show $ x `div` 2
-- second sample function, returning Int
f2 x = 3*x+1
-- combined function returning Either String Int
hotpo x = if even x then Left (f1 x) else Right (f2 x)
xs = map hotpo [1..10]
-- [Right 4,Left "1",Right 10,Left "2",Right 16,Left "3",Right 22,Left "4",Right 28,Left "5"]
lefts xs
-- ["1","2","3","4","5"]
rights xs
-- [4,10,16,22,28]