Am coming back to building a FB app after some time away from the FB Platform and I see that the old offline_access permission has been removed and replaced with long(ish)-expir
here comes 3rd option as a suggestion.
For each authenticated user, you have access_token and expires_in (assume that you have stored them in your db already)
1) Write a scheduled task, that checks existing tokens with their expires_in value when you find any token close to expiration time,
2) you can renew this token from the server side by HTTP GET call (sample code below)
requestUrl = "" + "/oauth/access_token"
+ "?" + "client_id="+facebook_appId
+ "&"+"client_secret="+facebook_appSecret
+ "&" + "grant_type=fb_exchange_token"
+ "&" + "fb_exchange_token="+currentToken;
req = WS.url( requestUrl );"renew token, req.url : %s", req.url);
req.timeout = 20;
resp = req.get();
// access_token=....&expires=5181096
Map respMap = LocoUtils.decodeUrl( resp.getString() );
token = respMap.containsKey("access_token")? respMap.get("access_token") : "";
facebookToken.access_token = token;
facebookToken.expires_in = respMap.containsKey("expires")?LocoUtils.stringToLong(respMap.get("expires")) : 0L;