I\'ve used Git LFS for GitLab for a few months now without any problems, but it returned the following error while pushing files lately:
$ git push origin master
This happened to our repositories on GitLab when they introduced their own LFS support recently. If you want to continue to use your own LFS then the process is rather painful - you need to disable their own LFS support on each repository, but there doesn't seem to be a web option for it, you need to do it via their command line API:
pip install python-gitlab
Write a configuration file out to ~/.python-gitlab.cfg
default = yourrepo
ssl_verify = true
timeout = 20
url = https://gitlab.com/
private_token =
Grab your gitlab project id from the top of the settings web page
gitlab project update --lfs-enabled false --id
Some of our developers reported that even this didn't work and they had to resort to sending a manual HTTP PUT request to https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/
with a Private-Token header set to your private token. For example, with CURL:
curl -X PUT --header "Private-Token: " -F "lfs_enabled=false" https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/