Can someone give me some hints how to accomplish the grouping within a GridView for Metro Apps as shown in the Screenshot below.
I may have a solution. In my projet, I had to create a list of contacts in alphabetic order, like the People app.
I used a GridView (with this sample), a CollectionViewSource and a wrappanel I found in the WinRT XAML Toolkit (you can get with NuGet package or copy/paste the source code). It allow you to put your items in columns.
class ContactListViewModel
public ContactListViewModel()
ContactSource = new CollectionViewSource();
Contacts = new ObservableCollection();
Contacts.Add(new Contact("Gates","Bill"));
Contacts.Add(new Contact("Bush","Georges"));
Contacts.Add(new Contact("Obama","Barack"));
Contacts.Add(new Contact("Hollande","François"));
Contacts.Add(new Contact("Affleck","Ben"));
Contacts.Add(new Contact("Allen","Woody"));
Contacts.Add(new Contact("Hendrix","Jimi"));
Contacts.Add(new Contact("Harrison", "Georges"));
Contacts = new ObservableCollection(Contacts.OrderBy(c => c.Name));
ContactSource.Source = GetGroupsByLetter();
ContactSource.IsSourceGrouped = true;
#region Contacts
public ObservableCollection Contacts
protected set;
public CollectionViewSource ContactSource
protected set;
internal List> GetGroupsByLetter()
List> groups = new List>();
var query = from item in Contacts
orderby ((Contact)item).Name
group item by ((Contact)item).Name[0] into g
select new { GroupName = g.Key, Items = g };
foreach (var g in query)