So I would like to use a very similar library for Android just like TGLAugmentedRealityView
It\'s pops view\'s to the camera preview based on your and the target
In my opinion the best software for cross platform augment reality that do what you asked for was Metaio, but Metaio has been acquired by apple last year and they just with out more information about the future of the product shot-down the product availability in end of 2015, and I am excited to see what will happen next.
Metaio offered a free version for developer that do what you asked for. And I have tried it in few projects.
What is alternative I would suggest you take look for following open source libraries, that I have researched recently for another project, I will suggest you take look for:
Here is some paid version:
Library (python, c#, java and android) where you can develop your own computer vision stuff including augment reality:
Few other links:
It is hard to suggest specific one most of them can do what you asking for.
I would also leave a link where you can find a list and comparison of available augment reality libraries/software: