I\'m trying to create a custom keyboard for a UITextField, the background of this inputView should be transparent, I have set the background color in the view\'s xib file to \"c
I am chasing the same issue, as I have a numeric keypad which fills only the left half of the screen in landscape mode (and is basically unusable on iOS7 where the blur effect covers the entire width of the screen). I haven't quite figured out how to get what I want (blurred background only behind my actual inputView), but I have figured out how to disable the blur entirely:
In this class override willMoveToSuperview: as follows
- (void)willMoveToSuperview:(UIView *)newSuperview
if (UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion.floatValue >= 7 &&
newSuperview != nil)
CALayer *layer = newSuperview.layer;
NSArray *subls = layer.sublayers;
CALayer *blurLayer = [subls objectAtIndex:0];
[blurLayer setOpacity:0];
This appears to impact the background of every custom inputView I have (but not the system keyboard) so you might need to save/restore whatever the normal opacity value is when your inputView gets removed from the superview if you don't want that.