Why my program hang on resolving dependency for appDebug in andorid studio? I can\'t resolve any library.
This is my root gradle file:
buildscript {
I faced the exact same issue when I tried to include in my build.gradle the following dependency classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.0.0' in order to have
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.0'
classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.0.0'
I got Timeout on gradle resolution path. So far (when only the classpath to the gradle:2.3.0
was present), I in fact was working with my cache, so I didn't notice that my proxy was not correctly set.
So I tried to select manual proxy: Settings->Apperance&Behaviour-> System Settings ->Http Proxy
with Hostname and port number.
So the associated gradle.properties
systemProp.http.proxyPort=123 (123 is just an example)
but I still had the problem. Caramba!! So I noticed that the files I needed are located here:
but Android studio does not provide a UI to set the proxy on HTTPS so I manually edit the gradle.properties
to duplicate the line for https
systemProp.http.proxyPort=123 (123 is just an example)
And.... it works for me. Don't need to change jcenter to mavenCentral.