How can this list be complete without at least mentioning ILNumerics?
Disclaimer: I am biased as working in the ILNumerics team. But our Visualization Engine brings the most flexible and fastest surface plots available today. This is what our customers saying. You can try yourself for free - even directly on our website.
Edit: a very simple setup of an surface plot in ILNumerics would be achieved as follows:
var scene = new ILScene() {
new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: false) {
// we could define concrete data as matrix here. But for now
// we go with an analytic expression instead:
new ILSurface(
(x, y) => (float)(Math.Sin(x) * Math.Cos(y)
* Math.Exp(-(x * x + y * y) / 46)),
colormap: Colormaps.Flag) // { new ILColorbar() }
All scenes are composed out of simple objects in a scene graph. You can modify and control everything. This is specialized for scientific data. Try and modify this example online: