I\'m interesting in improving my javascript code to be properly OOP.... currently I tend to do something like this:
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
The code we are using follows this basic structure:
//Create and define Global NameSpace Object
( function(GlobalObject, $, undefined)
GlobalObject.Method = function()
}) (GlobalObject = GlobalObject || {}, jQuery);
//New object for specific functionality
( function(Functionality.Events, $, undefined)
//Member Variables
var Variable; // (Used for) , (type)
// Initialize
GlobalObject.Functionality.Events.Init = function()
// public method
this.PublicMethod = function(oParam)
// protected method (typically define in global object, but can be made available from here)
GlobalObject.Functionality.ProtectedMethod = function()
// internal method (typically define in global object, but can be made available from here)
GlobalObject.InternalMethod = function()
// private method
var privateMethod = function()
}) (GlobalObject.Funcitonality.Events = GlobalObject.Funcitonality.Events || {}, jQuery )
The strength to this is that it initializes the Global object automatically, allows you to maintain the intergrity of your code, and organizes each piece of functionality into a specific grouping by your definition. This structure is solid, presenting all of the basic syntactical things you would expect from OOP without the key words. Even setting up intelisense is possible with javascript, and then defining each peice and referencing them makes writing javascript cleaner and more manageable. Hope this layout helps!