I have data stored in a shelf file created with python 2.7
When I try to access the file from python 3.4, I get an error:
>>> import shelve
As I understand now, here is the path that lead to my problem:
I at first looked into installing a third party bsddb module for Python 3, but it quickly started to turn into a hassle. It then seemed that it would be a recurring hassle any time I need to use the same shelf file on a new machine. So I decided to convert the file from bsddb to dumbdbm, which both my python 2 and python 3 installations can read.
I ran the following in Python 2, which is the version that contains both bsddb and dumbdbm:
import shelve
import dumbdbm
def dumbdbm_shelve(filename,flag="c"):
return shelve.Shelf(dumbdbm.open(filename,flag))
for key in key_list:
So far it looks like the dumbdbm.shelf files came out ok, pending a double-check of the contents.