Image segmentation - Split and Merge (Quadtrees)

后端 未结 3 1081
囚心锁ツ 2021-02-06 10:08

Is there an implementation for the split and merge method of image segmentation? any advice would be much appreciated.

  •  悲哀的现实
    2021-02-06 10:22

    This is my implementation. I am not a c++ / opencv guru so if someone find out some way to optimize this script add comments please!

    using namespace cv;
    using namespace std;
    Mat img;
    Size size;
    struct region {
        // tree data structure
        vector childs;
        bool validity; // TODO: have a method for clear the data structure and remove regions with false validity
        // tree for split&merge procedure
        Rect roi;
        Mat m;
        Scalar label;
        Mat mask; // for debug. don't use in real cases because it is computationally too heavy.
    //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- merging
    bool mergeTwoRegion(region& parent, const Mat& src, region& r1, region& r2,  bool (*predicate)(const Mat&)) {
        if(r1.childs.size()==0 && r2.childs.size()==0) {
            Rect roi1 = r1.roi;
            Rect roi2 = r2.roi;
            Rect roi12 = roi1 | roi2;
            if(predicate( src(roi12) )) {
                r1.roi = roi12;
                // recompute mask
                r1.mask = Mat::zeros(size, CV_8U);
                rectangle(r1.mask, r1.roi, 1, CV_FILLED);
                r2.validity = false;
                return true;
        return false;
    void merge(const Mat& src, region& r, bool (*predicate)(const Mat&)) {
        // check for adjiacent regions. if predicate is true, then  merge.
        // the problem is to check for adjiacent regions.. one way can be:
        // check merging for rows. if neither rows can be merged.. check for cols.
        bool row1=false, row2=false, col1=false, col2=false;
        if(r.childs.size()<1) return;
        // try with the row
        row1 = mergeTwoRegion(r, src, r.childs[0], r.childs[1], predicate);
        row2 = mergeTwoRegion(r, src, r.childs[2], r.childs[3], predicate);
        if( !(row1 | row2) ) {
            // try with column
            col1 = mergeTwoRegion(r, src, r.childs[0], r.childs[2], predicate);
            col2 = mergeTwoRegion(r, src, r.childs[1], r.childs[3], predicate);
        for(int i=0; i0) 
                merge(src, r.childs[i], predicate);
    //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quadtree splitting
    region split(const Mat& src, Rect roi, bool (*predicate)(const Mat&)) {
        vector childs;
        region r;
        r.roi = roi;
        r.m = src;
        r.mask = Mat::zeros(size, CV_8U);
        rectangle(r.mask, r.roi, 1, CV_FILLED);
        r.validity = true;
        bool b = predicate(src);
        if(b) {
            Scalar mean, s;
            meanStdDev(src, mean, s);
            r.label = mean;
        } else {
            int w = src.cols/2;
            int h = src.rows/2;
            region r1 = split(src(Rect(0,0, w,h)), Rect(roi.x, roi.y, w,h), predicate);
            region r2 = split(src(Rect(w,0, w,h)), Rect(roi.x+w, roi.y, w,h), predicate);
            region r3 = split(src(Rect(0,h, w,h)), Rect(roi.x, roi.y+h, w,h), predicate);
            region r4 = split(src(Rect(w,h, w,h)), Rect(roi.x+w, roi.y+h, w,h), predicate);
            r.childs.push_back( r1 );
            r.childs.push_back( r2 );
            r.childs.push_back( r3 );
            r.childs.push_back( r4 );
        //merge(img, r, predicate);
        return r;
    //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tree traversing utility
    void print_region(region r) {
        if(r.validity==true && r.childs.size()==0) {
            cout << r.mask << " at " << r.roi.x << "-" << r.roi.y << endl;
            cout << r.childs.size() << endl;
            cout << "---" << endl;
        for(int i=0; i(4,4) << 0,0,1,1,
        cout << img << endl;
        size = img.size();
        region r;
        r = split(img, Rect(0,0,img.cols,img.rows), &predicateStdZero);
        merge(img, r, &predicateStdZero);
        cout << "------- print" << endl;
        cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
        img = imread("lena.jpg", 0);
        // round (down) to the nearest power of 2 .. quadtree dimension is a pow of 2.
        int exponent = log(min(img.cols, img.rows)) / log (2);
        int s = pow(2.0, (double)exponent);
        Rect square = Rect(0,0, s,s);
        img = img(square).clone();
        namedWindow("original", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        imshow( "original", img );
        cout << "now try to split.." << endl;
        r = split(img, Rect(0,0,img.cols,img.rows), predicateStd5);
        cout << "splitted" << endl;
        Mat imgRect = img.clone();
        draw_rect(imgRect, r);
        namedWindow("split", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        imshow( "split", imgRect );
        imwrite("split.jpg", imgRect);
        merge(img, r, &predicateStd5);
        Mat imgMerge = img.clone();
        draw_rect(imgMerge, r);
        namedWindow("merge", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        imshow( "merge", imgMerge );
        imwrite( "merge.jpg", imgMerge );
        Mat imgSegmented = img.clone();
        draw_region(imgSegmented, r);
        namedWindow("segmented", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        imshow( "segmented", imgSegmented );
        imwrite( "segmented.jpg", imgSegmented );
        while( true )
            char c = (char)waitKey(10);
            if( c == 27 ) { break; }
        return 0;
