This is my situation. It involves aligning a scanned image which will account for incorrect scanning. I must align the scanned image with my Java program.
These are more
Try to start from a simple scenario and then improve the approach.
The program presented at the end of this post does the steps 1 to 3. It was implemented using Marvin Framework. The image below shows the output image with the detected corners.
The program also outputs: Rotation angle:1.6365770416167182
Source code:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import marvin.image.MarvinImage;
import marvin.plugin.MarvinImagePlugin;
import marvin.util.MarvinAttributes;
import marvin.util.MarvinPluginLoader;
public class FormCorners {
public FormCorners(){
// Load plug-in
MarvinImagePlugin moravec = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.corner.moravec");
MarvinAttributes attr = new MarvinAttributes();
// Load image
MarvinImage image = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/printedForm.jpg");
// Process and save output image
moravec.setAttribute("threshold", 2000);
moravec.process(image, null, attr);
Point[] boundaries = boundaries(attr);
image = showCorners(image, boundaries, 12);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(image, "./res/printedForm_output.jpg");
// Print rotation angle
double angle = (Math.atan2((boundaries[1].y*-1)-(boundaries[0].y*-1),boundaries[1].x-boundaries[0].x) * 180 / Math.PI);
angle = angle >= 0 ? angle : angle + 360;
System.out.println("Rotation angle:"+angle);
private Point[] boundaries(MarvinAttributes attr){
Point upLeft = new Point(-1,-1);
Point upRight = new Point(-1,-1);
Point bottomLeft = new Point(-1,-1);
Point bottomRight = new Point(-1,-1);
double ulDistance=9999,blDistance=9999,urDistance=9999,brDistance=9999;
double tempDistance=-1;
int[][] cornernessMap = (int[][]) attr.get("cornernessMap");
for(int x=0; x 0){
if((tempDistance = Point.distance(x, y, 0, 0)) < ulDistance){
upLeft.x = x; upLeft.y = y;
ulDistance = tempDistance;
if((tempDistance = Point.distance(x, y, cornernessMap.length, 0)) < urDistance){
upRight.x = x; upRight.y = y;
urDistance = tempDistance;
if((tempDistance = Point.distance(x, y, 0, cornernessMap[0].length)) < blDistance){
bottomLeft.x = x; bottomLeft.y = y;
blDistance = tempDistance;
if((tempDistance = Point.distance(x, y, cornernessMap.length, cornernessMap[0].length)) < brDistance){
bottomRight.x = x; bottomRight.y = y;
brDistance = tempDistance;
return new Point[]{upLeft, upRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft};
private MarvinImage showCorners(MarvinImage image, Point[] points, int rectSize){
MarvinImage ret = image.clone();
for(Point p:points){
ret.fillRect(p.x-(rectSize/2), p.y-(rectSize/2), rectSize, rectSize,;
return ret;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new FormCorners();