How to use SignalR with Angular 2?
How to manually run change detection when receiving data from SignalR?
As far as examples go, there probably aren't any yet. Welcome to the beginning of a framework. But do keep checking over time because as popularity and adoption increases, there will sure to be many examples.
As far as running change detection, that's a very vague question as angular2's change detection is now very different, and much improved.
My approach is to just let angular2 handle it, and not trigger a manual change detection at all as most of the time Angular2 picks up on the change and re-renders the view.
If that does not work, then the next step is to trigger .run()
on the NgZone
import {NgZone, Component} from 'angular2/core';
export class MyComponent{
myProperty: string = 'Hello';
constructor(myService: MyService, ngZone: NgZone){}
this.myService.doSomething().then(x => { => {
this.myProperty = x;
Again though, I have found that even working with asynchronous code, angular2 usually picks up on the change without using ngZone at all.