I have a binary image that represents a number in MATLAB:
I\'d like to fill all the d
Another possibility is to use the BWBOUNDARIES function, which:
traces the exterior boundaries of objects, as well as boundaries of holes inside these objects
That information is contained in the fourth output A
, an adjacency matrix that represents the parent-child-hole dependencies.
%# read binary image
bw = imread('SUvif.png');
%# find all boundaries
[B,L,N,A] = bwboundaries(bw, 8, 'holes');
%# exclude inner holes
[r,~] = find(A(:,N+1:end)); %# find inner boundaries that enclose stuff
[rr,~] = find(A(:,r)); %# stuff they enclose
idx = setdiff(1:numel(B), [r(:);rr(:)]); %# exclude both
bw2 = ismember(L,idx); %# filled image
%# compare results
subplot(311), imshow(bw), title('original')
subplot(312), imshow( imfill(bw,'holes') ), title('imfill')
subplot(313), imshow(bw2), title('bwboundaries')