Arun Singh gave a great answer to a similar question (Is there any event that fires when keys are pressed when editing a cell?). I want to set a flag to prevent execution of Sel
I need to adjust the above to work with Worksheet_Change and Tab key as basically when tab key is pressed then changes the Target (when A2 is edited and Tab key pressed, Change event shows cell B2) which I want to avoid.
I have changed the key part to:
If iKeyCode = vbKeyTab Then '<~~ Tab
SendKeys "{TAB}"
CancSelEvnt = True
CancSelEvnt = False
End If
but am struggling to get any result on that?
When I press Tab key then my Change event does not call Sub StartKeyWatch() at all. also calling Sub StartKeyWatch() from Worksheet_Change directly does not seem to be doing anything...
what am I missing here?
thanks, mkvarious