I cannot see anything in their API to do this: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/geoip/#geoip-api
Or should I just use Google API for Reverse Geocodi
@rawsix answer seems smart for a django user.
Note however that the location returned by geolocator.reverse(query)
is a list and not a Location
object; so attempting to retrieve attribute address
from it would result in an error.
Usually, the first item in that list has the closest address information. so u can simply do:
location = location[0]
address = location.address
Additionally, instead of passing a string latitude and longitude to the reverse method, you can use a tuple and it must be the latitude
before the longitude
. You can do:
from geopy.geocoders import GoogleV3()
geocoder = GoogleV3()
location_list = geocoder.reverse((latitude, longitude))
location = location_list[0]
address = location.address