I\'m writing a shell script which will rsync files from remote machines, some linux, some macs, to a central backup server. The macs have folders on the root level containing al
I found the following script which does what I needed:
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo ""
echo "Usage: $0 alias"
echo " where alias is an alias file."
echo " Returns the file path to the original file referenced by a"
echo " Mac OS X GUI alias. Use it to execute commands on the"
echo " referenced file. For example, if aliasd is an alias of"
echo " a directory, entering"
echo ' % cd `apath aliasd`'
echo " at the command line prompt would change the working directory"
echo " to the original directory."
echo ""
if [ -f "$1" -a ! -L "$1" ]; then
# Redirect stderr to dev null to suppress OSA environment errors
exec 6>&2 # Link file descriptor 6 with stderr so we can restore stderr later
exec 2>/dev/null # stderr replaced by /dev/null
path=$(osascript << EOF
tell application "Finder"
set theItem to (POSIX file "${1}") as alias
if the kind of theItem is "alias" then
get the posix path of ((original item of theItem) as text)
end if
end tell
exec 2>&6 6>&- # Restore stderr and close file descriptor #6.
echo "$path"