I\'m using Intellij Idea 12 and have a multi module maven project.
To make it simple let\'s assume that I have:
Eventually I found a hybrid solution for this: Things to be done before Tomcat is run:
This is how I start Tomcat.
Detailed information:
Create 3 Maven run configurations
1.1 Clean all projects 1.2 Build all projects with JAR artifacts. You need to manually include all your projects with the '-pl' maven option. Optionally you can run "Maven clean" before launch of this configuration (look at screenshot) 1.3 Compile all Projects with WAR artifacts - No packaging with Maven
Create Tomcat configuration to Build War artifacts and include other configurations to run before Launch
Now when Tomcat is run it is possible to hotswap code changes (if JVM allows) or simply restart server to include all your new code/changes. The draw back of this is somewhat longer start time of Tomcat. That's something we are willing to live with..... For now