I\'m trying to get AppFabric cache up and running on my local development environment. I have Windows Server AppFabric Beta 2 Refresh installed, and the cache c
I had this problem too and I found the answer in this thread:
The answer:
You are seeing this error because of the security property mismatch between client and server.
In your client code you disabled the security (Mode=None and PotectionLevel=None) whereas the cache server uses mode=Transport and PotectionLevel=EncryptAndSign (default in Beta2Fresh bits).
Do either of the following:
1) In the client code use the default security i.e. configuration.SecurityProperties =new DataCacheSecurity();
2) Disable the security at server to match with your existing client code. Use Powershell cmdlet Set-CacheClusterSecurity -SecurityMode None -ProtectionLevel None