Is there a way to do foreach
style iteration over parallel enumerables in C#? For subscriptable lists, I know one could use a regular for
loop iterati
.NET 4's BlockingCollection makes this pretty easy. Create a BlockingCollection, return its .GetConsumingEnumerable() in the enumerable method. Then the foreach simply adds to the blocking collection.
private BlockingCollection m_data = new BlockingCollection();
public IEnumerable GetData( IEnumerable> sources )
Task.Factory.StartNew( () => ParallelGetData( sources ) );
return m_data.GetConsumingEnumerable();
private void ParallelGetData( IEnumerable> sources )
foreach( var source in sources )
foreach( var item in source )
m_data.Add( item );
//Adding complete, the enumeration can stop now
Hope this helps. BTW I posted a blog about this last night