So I have data structured like this:
1 |null |foo
2 |1 |bar
3 |2 |baz
So basically foo->bar->ba
An other way could be to use the etrepat/baum package, it's a Laravel implementation of the Nested set model. It's using an ordered tree that is faster and use non-recursive queries. While your data structured like this :
|_ Child 1
|_ Child 1.1
|_ Child 1.2
|_ Child 2
|_ Child 2.1
|_ Child 2.2
There are structured like this in nested set model :
| Root |
| ____________________________ ____________________________ |
| | Child 1 | | Child 2 | |
| | __________ _________ | | __________ _________ | |
| | | C 1.1 | | C 1.2 | | | | C 2.1 | | C 2.2 | | |
1 2 3_________4 5________6 7 8 9_________10 11_______12 13 14
| |___________________________| |___________________________| |
And inserting nodes is easy as :
$child1 = $root->children()->create(['name' => 'Child 1']);