I am very new to javascript and ajax/jquery and have been working on trying to get a script to open and close the drop menu on click rather that hover.
The menu in quest
I would do something like this...
$(function() {
$("#lang-selector > li").click(function() {
And, then, in the CSS add this:
.active { display: block; }
<< EDIT: Removed "ul" from ".active" class for CSS rendering efficiency >>
Also make sure that the sub-nav
This will make it so that clicking an
If you're worried about the accessibility of having "display: none" on the sub-nav by default, you can do something like this...
$(function() {
$("#lang-selector li ul").addClass("hidden");
$("#lang-selector li").click(function(e) {
$('ul:first',$(this)).toggleClass('hidden active');
<< EDIT: Altered selectors to match example provided, turned "this" into jQuery object. >>
And then also add this to the CSS
.hidden { display: none; }
In this scenario, you have the
You'll also need to remove your current "display: none" from your #lang-selector ul ul in CSS, otherwise it takes priority over the hidden / active classes.