I am having a heck of a time with this. I am trying to write a query (using Oracle), against a table with a recursive relationship (hierarchical) and get the total number of re
select sys_connect_by_path(D.dir_name, '/'), S.count_distinct_file_id
from DIRS D
inner join (select subtree_root_dir_id
, count(distinct file_id) count_distinct_file_id
from (select distinct connect_by_root D.DIR_ID subtree_root_dir_id
, F.file_id
from DIRS D
left outer join FILES F on F.dir_id = D.dir_id
start with 1=1 connect by prior D.dir_id = D.parent_dir_id)
group by subtree_root_dir_id) S
on D.dir_id = S.subtree_root_dir_id
start with D.dir_id = 1 connect by prior D.dir_id = D.parent_dir_id
Gives the results you asked for, but my gut says I am not seeing something, and that the query can be much simpler. (Please do not accept this answer until a few days have passed, in hopes that some one submits a better answer.)