I have an AMQP server (RabbitMQ) that I would like to both publish and read from in a Tornado web server. To do this, I figured I would use an asynchronous amqp python library;
It would help to see some source code, but I use this same tornado-supporting pika module without issue in more than one production project.
You don't want to create a connection per request. Create a class that wraps all of your AMQP operations, and instantiate it as a singleton at the tornado Application level that can be used across requests (and across request handlers). I do this in a 'runapp()' function that does some stuff like this and then starts the main tornado ioloop.
Here's a class called 'Events'. It's a partial implementation (specifically, I don't define 'self.handle_event' here. That's up to you.
class Event(object):
def __init__(self, config):
self.host = 'localhost'
self.port = '5672'
self.vhost = '/'
self.user = 'foo'
self.exchange = 'myx'
self.queue = 'myq'
self.recv_routing_key = 'msgs4me'
self.passwd = 'bar'
self.connected = False
def connect(self):
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(self.user, self.passwd)
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host = self.host,
port = self.port,
virtual_host = self.vhost,
credentials = credentials)
srs = pika.connection.SimpleReconnectionStrategy()
logging.debug('Events: Connecting to AMQP Broker: %s:%i' % (self.host,
self.connection = tornado_adapter.TornadoConnection(parameters,
wait_for_open = False,
reconnection_strategy = srs,
callback = self.on_connected)
def on_connected(self):
# Open the channel
logging.debug("Events: Opening a channel")
self.channel = self.connection.channel()
# Declare our exchange
logging.debug("Events: Declaring the %s exchange" % self.exchange)
self.channel.exchange_declare(exchange = self.exchange,
type = "fanout",
auto_delete = False,
durable = True)
# Declare our queue for this process
logging.debug("Events: Declaring the %s queue" % self.queue)
self.channel.queue_declare(queue = self.queue,
auto_delete = False,
exclusive = False,
durable = True)
# Bind to the exchange
self.channel.queue_bind(exchange = self.exchange,
queue = self.queue,
routing_key = self.recv_routing_key)
self.channel.basic_consume(consumer = self.handle_event, queue = self.queue, no_ack = True)
# We should be connected if we made it this far
self.connected = True
And then I put that in a file called 'events.py'. My RequestHandlers and any back end code all utilize a 'common.py' module that wraps code that's useful to both (my RequestHandlers don't call any amqp module methods directly -- same for db, cache, etc as well), so I define 'events=None' at the module level in common.py, and I instantiate the Event object kinda like this:
import events
def runapp(config):
if myapp.common.events is None:
myapp.common.events = myapp.events.Event(config)
logging.debug("MYAPP.COMMON.EVENTS: %s", myapp.common.events)
http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app,
main_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
logging.debug("MAIN IOLOOP: %s", main_loop)
Happy new year :-D