I have a large vector (10^9 elements) of chars, and I was wondering what is the fastest way to write such vector to a file. So far I\'ve been using next code:
OK, I did write method implementation with for loop that writes 256KB blocks (as Rob suggested) of data at each iteration and result is 16 seconds, so problem solved. This is my humble implementation so feel free to comment:
void writeCubeToFile(const vector &vs)
const unsigned int blocksize = 262144;
unsigned long blocks = distance(vs.begin(), vs.end()) / blocksize;
ofstream outfile("nanocube.txt", ios::out | ios::binary);
for(unsigned long i = 0; i <= blocks; i++)
unsigned long position = blocksize * i;
if(blocksize > distance(vs.begin() + position, vs.end())) outfile.write(&*(vs.begin() + position), distance(vs.begin() + position, vs.end()));
else outfile.write(&*(vs.begin() + position), blocksize);
outfile.write("\0", 1);
Thnx to all of you.