I\'m using the markitup! as a markdown editor (example).
Currently, I need to press the preview button (green tick) to display the preview panel.
I would like t
Or you could do it by hacking it a little : in the source file add
autoShowPreview : false,
as a field in the options object so it will look like :
options = { id: '',
nameSpace: '',
root: '',
previewHandler: false,
previewInWindow: '', // 'width=800, height=600, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes'
previewInElement: '',
previewAutoRefresh: true,
autoShowPreview : true, //custom option here :
previewPosition: 'after',
previewTemplatePath: '~/templates/preview.html',
previewParser: false,
previewParserPath: '',
previewParserVar: 'data',
resizeHandle: true,
beforeInsert: '',
afterInsert: '',
onEnter: {},
onShiftEnter: {},
onCtrlEnter: {},
onTab: {},
markupSet: [ { /* set */ } ]
Then near the end of the document around line 610 there is the call to the init(); function. You can change it like this :
You can always disable it if not needed by modifying our custom prop at initialization time.