Python\'s pip
is working for me to install and update packages, but some of the documented commands seem not to be supported (at least with 1.2.1 running on OS 10.8
Where are they documented? Mine doesn't show any such commands:
hd1 % pip help
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help Show help
-v, --verbose Give more output
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore,
(w)ipe, (b)ackup
Commands available:
bundle: Create pybundles (archives containing multiple packages)
freeze: Output all currently installed packages (exact versions) to stdout
help: Show available commands
install: Install packages
search: Search PyPI
uninstall: Uninstall packages
unzip: Unzip individual packages
zip: Zip individual packages